American Songwriter
Singer/Songwriter Theo Eastwind Declared King Of The Underground
Eastwind’s extraordinary voice conjures up images of Jeff Buckley, David Gray, and Sting, and his captivating songs elicit comparisons to Dave Matthews, Colin Hay, and Nick Drake. His guitar playing is raw, passionate, and loaded with heart and soul. Put all these elements together and you have the alchemical Theo Eastwind.
Brooklyn Paper
"Busking in the lime light"
"Buskers are on the front line of the First Amendment," said Eastwind.
Striving to make music under the NYC streets
“[If] you have a talent, if you have a passion, then you can still come down here and you can still do it,” he said. “Not because you’re going to be rich. Not because you’re going to be a superstar. ... It’s because you wanna do it.”
Singin' the NYPD Blues
Subway musicians fear police crackdown will end underground shows, advocates say
still from BUSKRS
From The Grapevine
Subway artists offer intimate and surprising performances
"If you can get a New York City straphanger to purchase your CD in the 30 seconds it takes for their next train to arrive, you’re damn good."
And he is damn good
photo from the artist
CBS News
NYC subway performers eke out a living: "This is how we eat"
"Some days you can do no wrong. .... Some days, nothing," he said. "It's an interesting art."
Fox 5 News
Freedom of Expression
Theo Eastwind, one of Fox's "Subway Idols" is interviewed in the aftermath of one of police crackdowns on street performances
Fox 5 Good Day New York
Transit Strike
Theo Eastwind joins Good Day New York to perform in the studio and discuss the transit strike
Fox 5 News
Subway Idol Winner Announced
Theo is named the winner of the Fox 5 Subway Idol competition.